
New proposal for a directive on green claims

Intellectual Property
In March 2023, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on Green Claims.

The proposal supplements the previously tabled proposal from March 2022, read more about it here.

The European Commission's proposal sets out, among other things minimum regulation on how companies should substantiate their green claims as well as transparency requirements for sustainability labels, which in the future will have to be verified by an independent third party. Companies will also be required to provide independent evidence alongside their green claims. National authorities are responsible for enforcing the documentation requirement through regular checks. In case of infringements by companies, different sanctions are foreseen, such as fines based on the companies' turnover.

The directive is expected to enter into force during 2024. However, significant parts of the European Commission's proposal for a directive are already extensively in line with the Danish Consumer Ombudsman's existing practice.